Tuition & Fees

Fee Schedule

Preschool$200 per child/month
Kindergarten$200 per child/month
Grade 1$200 per child/month
Grade 2$200 per child/month
Grade 3$200 per child/month
Grade 4$200 per child/month
Grade 5$200 per child/month
Grade 6$200 per child/month
Grade 7$200 per child/month
Grade 8$200 per child/month

Each family pays a maximum of $500 per month regardless of the number of children attending school, except Preschool children. Effective September 2017, Preschool fees are no longer  included in the $500 per family per month fee cap.

Payment Policy/ Fees

Fees at SMS do not reflect the actual cost of education a student at the school. Every effort is made to keep the fees as low as possible so that the school remains affordable. Fees help cover the cost of instruction, textbooks and general operations. Please note that exceptions apply to certain consumable textbooks which will be included as part of your child’s/children’s school supply list. Uniform costs are not included in the fees.  

 Payments are due the first week of every month. Parents  or guardians  are  responsible  for  ensuring  fees  are  paid in  full  and on time. In the case of unpaid fees, the school will make efforts to remind parents by letter, text, email, or verbal communication, to remit payment and clear the balance owing. 

 Unpaid annual balances by the end of July of each year will be subject to a $75.00 late penalty. If fees remain unpaid by the 15th of August following a request to clear the balance owing in July, SMS has the right to withdraw the student from enrolment for the upcoming school year. Students withdrawn due to unpaid fees forfeit the application fee.

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